Sunday, 17 April 2011

April 17, 2011
Sport Toto
1. 0755
2. 8627
3. 6480

Special prize

This would mean 648 is the fixed number and 0 is the changing number. Therefore, you will have 6480, 6488, and 6484.

My prediction came out with 4664. The consolation came out with 6649. This would mean that 664 is the fixed number and and 4 and 9 is the changing number.

1. 5414
2. 1120
3. 0445

445 is the fixed number and 1 and 0 is the changing number.

Magnum's special prize is 4172 which is in my list.

干支:辛卯 壬辰 壬寅 辛亥 
旬空:午未 午未 辰巳 寅卯
清明:中元第4天  辛亥时旬首为壬
阳遁一局 值符天禽落四宫 值使死门落三宫
│值符  │螣蛇7 │太阴2 │
│壬惊门己│开门丁│休门 癸│
│禽天芮辛│天柱乙│天心 己│
│九天  │   │六合1  │
│死门 乙 │   │生门戊 │
│天英 庚│  壬│天蓬丁 │
│九地4 │玄武  │白虎 │
│景门辛 │杜门 庚│伤门丙│
│天辅丙 │天冲 戊│天任癸│

1. 0333
2. 2717
3. 8133

Special prize we have 0772 and consolation prize we have 3817.

This would mean that 772 is the fixed number and 1 and 0 is the changing number.

The third prize 8133, 381 is the fixed number and 3 and 7 is the changing number.

I predicted 3429 and 9243 but the actual number came out is 4293. Strike.

干支:辛卯 壬辰 壬寅 己酉 
旬空:午未 午未 辰巳 寅卯
阳遁一局 值符天禽落二宫 值使死门落一宫
│九地 4│九天 2│值符 9│
│休门 辛│生门乙│壬伤门己│
│天辅 辛│天英乙│禽天芮己│
│玄武 3│   │螣蛇  │
│开门 庚│   │杜门 丁│
│天冲 庚│  壬│天柱 丁│
│白虎  │六合 │太阴  │
│惊门 丙│死门戊│景门癸 │
│天任 丙│天蓬戊│天心癸 │

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